Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 6.49 kB
Size 768x768
Just a 1/1 -> get it while it's hot. By the way, for those of you reading these descriptions, I messed up the metadata deployment on 112-114, but the game on 115 should still work fine, it's just harder to find the other parts of the series due to my mistake. I'll do better next time and make sure all of my .json files are saved and closed before deploying.
background pattern Grid of Pluses 0.53%
code snippet ./ 12.73%
collab artist n/a 60.48%
collab collection n/a 61.27%
color palette Google UI 10.61%
deployment type 1/1 15.12%
dimensions 768x768 89.12%
drawing instrument Digital Pen 27.32%
file format Portable Network Graphics (PNG) 35.54%
pixels 32x32 26.79%
raster graphics editor Aesprite 18.57%
recorded No 69.23%
time in minutes 18.57%
time of deployment 🏙️ 17.77%

Total Rarity Score: 244.85

Rarity: #257/

Proto Tower 116

Collection: Proto Towers

Minted a year ago by flarnrules.stars. Currently owned by atom-warlock.stars.

Sale offer expires in 2 weeks.

Buy for 100,000

Showing 21-31 of 31