Content-Type image/gif
Content-Length 484.72 kB
Size 768x768
Last one tonight. I think that last one also had an error. There's some unfilled pixels in there I think. Whoops. That one was fun to draw and there were at least one or two people on the livestream watching. It definitely is a bit different with an audience, like I feel the pressure is on which is both helful and somewhat nerve wracking. Hopefully my drawing was interesting to watch get made.... In this one I was trying to create little animations as the stars, and then figure out how to manipulate those animations like copy/paste the animations themselves. I figured it out a bit, but it's still pretty clunky and I still don't have a super firm grasp on those features. I need to watch some tutorials and read the Aseprite docs some more to get a bit more proficient with Asprite.
background pattern Twinkling Stars 0.53%
code snippet python3 23.87%
collab artist n/a 60.48%
collab collection n/a 61.27%
color palette Grayscale 5.57%
deployment type Jekyll or Hyde 2.65%
dimensions 768x768 89.12%
drawing instrument Huion Graphics Tablet 11.94%
file format Graphics Interchange Format 9.81%
live stream Yes 11.41%
number of frames 24 0.8%
pixels 64x64 20.16%
raster graphics editor Aseprite 47.48%
recorded No 69.23%
time in minutes 18.57%
time of deployment 🌃 40.32%
vibe Trancelike 0.27%

Total Rarity Score: 799.13

Rarity: #142/

Proto Tower 248

Collection: Proto Towers

Minted a year ago by flarnrules.stars. Currently owned by atom-warlock.stars.

Showing 21-31 of 31