Stargaized Aipe Cosmonaiut In Spaice In The Style Of Futurism. This description is what formed original source Aipe, before the incident that transformed it into what you see here
Holding Nothing 95.38%
Style Futurism 1.23%
Time Of Day Unspecified 89.6%
Type Cosmonaut 54.88%
Wearing Unspecified 38.69%
Website 100%

Total Rarity Score: 89.05

Rarity: #507/1711

Stargaized Aipe Cosmonaiut In Spaice In The Style Of Futurism

Collection: Stargaized Aipes in Spaice - What was left behind

Minted a year ago by stars1zq..2v4r. Currently owned by stars1hz..hre5.