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Myself and these Noobs are obsessed with StarGaze and the community. Follow us on Twitter (X) and find us on Discord, verify your Noobism, have a chance to win $STARS.and some NFTs from Stargazes best projects!
Attack Strategy Passive Aggression 3%
Background Wood 6.28%
Defense Strategy Call Everyone Haters 2.96%
Eyes Sparkling Brown 4.18%
Headgear Chad Hair Blue 1.22%
Mouth Confusion 6.91%
Nose Stumpy 6.95%
Profession Sandwich Artist 1.54%
Shirt Heart of a Noob 3.75%
Skin Natural 4 7.58%
Special Talent Karen Charming 2.25%
Weapon of Choice Flip Flop Sandal Slaps 2.17%

Total Rarity Score: 412.8

Rarity: #320/2533

Star Noob #1995

Collection: CosmoNoobs: Star Noobs

Minted a year ago by brandon.stars. Currently owned by chuck-er-in-the-ass.stars.