Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 169.87 kB
Size 1536x1536
About 50% of jellyfish are bioluminescent. The vibrant, colorful hues these animals emit when they glow in the dark are no accident, ​​they use this light to fend off predators and attract prey. Look but don't touch them! tw: @DoneLanistanin - License: CC0
body color blue 6.09%
hat color cyan 9.57%
light no 46.96%
reflection no 13.04%
sun reflection no 69.57%

Total Rarity Score: 38.12

Rarity: #75/115

Divine jellyfish #42

Collection: Stunning beauty

Minted 2 years ago by stars1w0..9ejs. Currently owned by stars15v..gsty.

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