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Content-Length 13.80 MB
Size 768x768
Foxes found intrigue in every corner, their cunning nature thriving in this mystical land. Scribble Highlands, a land of rolling hills, where the winds whisper stories and the ground is etched with tales of yore.
Accessory none 42.37%
Background Scribble Highlands 11.45%
Bonk Power 16 0.16%
Chonk Level 25 56.76%
Fluffitude 25 47.3%
Health 100 50.87%
Munch Power 32 3.5%
Pet Demeanor happy 76.31%
Pet Type fox 1.51%
Snoofability 30 2.23%
Snugglability 27 11.61%
Whisker Wisdom 30 1.43%
Zoomies 32 13.91%

Total Rarity Score: 872.67

Rarity: #199/1258

Bad Pets: Inkwell Odyssey #1056

Collection: Bad Pets: Inkwell Oddysey

Minted a year ago by stars1w9..w0wr. Currently owned by stars169..m84z.

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