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Content-Length 562.58 kB
Size 1024x768
Mutant Wars presents fantastic animal hybrids. Each character combines the features of two or more species, creating a unique appearance and personality. The collection consists of six mutants: bear, wolf, gorilla, rabbit, boar and alien. Each of them has their own story, power and character.
Favorite Skill Mind Blast 10.08%
Location Halls of Suffering of the Cruel Labyrinth 20.1%
Power Avarage 31.42%
Rank Initiate 23.43%
Specialization Berserker 31.45%
Speed Normal 33.18%

Total Rarity Score: 28.55

Rarity: #2651/3692

Mutant Wars #91

Collection: Mutant Wars

Minted a year ago by stars1ak..k6mx. Currently owned by stars1z4..c5hz.