Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 967.90 kB
Size 640x810
7777 TEENAGE CHOADZ groomed by NEOCHIBI AESTHETICS to revere GOD and SHANGHAI STREET FASHION. Will these spiritually minded Choadz escape the fate of their virtueless parents?
x_S 100000000_x_S 16.55%
x 白心 100000000_x_白心 15.93%
x_财产 1000_x_财产 7.97%
光环 Forest_Green 4.59%
公正 Level_1000000_ 公正 12.7%
友善 Level_100000_友善 10.89%
和谐 Level_1000_和谐 8.86%
富强 Level_10000000_富强 14.62%
平等 Level_10000_平等 9.41%
敬业 Level_1000000_敬业 13%
文明 Level_100000000_文明 19.29%
民主 Level_1000000_民主 15.3%
法治 Level_100_法治 5.43%
The_Golden_Leafs 0.39%
爱国 Level_100000000_爱国 16.42%
眼睛 1.79%
背景 背景_7 0.73%
自由 Level_1000000_自由 12.46%
裤子 Black 16.69%
诚信 Level_10000_诚信 8.89%
财产 房地产 19.84%
身体 Sophisticated 1.07%
零食 烤串 1.45%

Total Rarity Score: 780.84

Rarity: #6345/7777


Collection: MICHOADY

Minted a year ago by michoady.stars.