Cr33pies #153 of 10,000
Background Time frozen 26.2%
Color Scheme Future 36.64%
Face Cracked 33.53%
Frame Warping 20.62%
Hat type Bald 74.77%
Head Burning 26.26%
Legs Little to the left 29.87%
Lunch type Star 32.12%
Mini-me face Cracked 33.68%
Mini-me head Burning 25.87%
Mini-me legs Little to the left 30.67%
Space debris 19/25 5.25%
UFO Forecast Clear skies 73.96%

Total Rarity Score: 56.48

Rarity: #9644/10000

Cr33pies #153

Collection: Cr33pies

Minted 2 years ago by stars1jc..ak9a. Currently owned by stars1ja..374n.