Chihuahuamon is a unique Chihuahua Chain & Pokemon inspired 1/1 NFT Collection with intricate character building stats and abilities.
Agility 45 6.17%
Cognitive Strength Focus and Concentration 1.71%
Communication Style Clear Vocalization 3.26%
Defense 20 7.54%
Emotional Strength Optimistic Outlook 1.84%
Enhanced Instincts Enhanced Sixth Sense 3.6%
Instinct 10 9.04%
Intellectual Strength Analytical Thinking 3.04%
Intelligence 40 6.52%
Luck 35 6.99%
Personality Type Brave Heart 2.4%
Physical Strength Quick Paws 3.21%
Power 5 9.99%
Resistance 25 8.02%
Sensory Perception Enhanced Sensory Discrimination 1.63%
Social Skills Welcoming Demeanor 2.44%
Special Skill Independent Spirit: This Chihuahuamon is known for its independent nature. It is self-assured and doesn't rely on others for validation or approval making it self-reliant and confident in its abilities. 2.87%
Stealth 25 7.54%
Strength Confident 2.49%
Weakness Arrogant 2.49%

Total Rarity Score: 600.19

Rarity: #2081/2333

Chihuahuamon #1151


Minted 10 months ago by stars16c..rtsu. Currently owned by stars147..5pyv.