Chihuahuamon is a unique Chihuahua Chain & Pokemon inspired 1/1 NFT Collection with intricate character building stats and abilities.
Agility 20 7.12%
Cognitive Strength Metacognitive Awareness 1.37%
Communication Style Skilled Interpersonal Negotiation 1.89%
Defense 35 7.24%
Emotional Strength Reliable Support 1.84%
Enhanced Instincts Natural Weather Sensing 3.64%
Instinct 45 5.92%
Intellectual Strength Problem-Solving Skills 3%
Intelligence 30 6.22%
Luck 45 5.53%
Personality Type Playful Prankster 0.69%
Physical Strength Enhanced Stamina 3.26%
Power 25 7.76%
Resistance 20 7.29%
Sensory Perception Expanded Range of Smell Detection 2.91%
Social Skills Team Player 3.13%
Special Skill Tenacious Attitude: This Chihuahuamon is known for its tenacity. It has a never-give-up mentality and will persevere through any obstacles it faces making it a determined and strong-willed companion. 2.87%
Stealth 50 4.8%
Strength Humble 3.94%
Weakness Passive 3.94%

Total Rarity Score: 695.66

Rarity: #1367/2333

Chihuahuamon #2