Chihuahuamon is a unique Chihuahua Chain & Pokemon inspired 1/1 NFT Collection with intricate character building stats and abilities.
Agility 50 5.1%
Cognitive Strength Intellectual Autonomy 0.9%
Communication Style Empathic Listening and Validation 2.1%
Defense 35 7.24%
Emotional Strength Energetic Vitality 2.4%
Enhanced Instincts Innate Understanding of Predator-Prey Dynamics 1.16%
Instinct 45 5.92%
Intellectual Strength Intuitive Understanding of Technology 1.93%
Intelligence 65 3.39%
Luck 45 5.53%
Personality Type Spirited Attitude 2.91%
Physical Strength Regenerative Healing 1.54%
Power 25 7.76%
Resistance 45 6.09%
Sensory Perception Heightened Sensitivity to Vibrations 2.79%
Social Skills Great Sense of Humor 2.91%
Special Skill Agile Agility: This Chihuahuamon possesses impressive agility and can move with lightning-fast speed. It excels in activities like agility training where its small size and nimbleness give it an edge demonstrating its athletic prowess. 2.87%
Stealth 15 8.23%
Strength Proud 4.11%
Weakness Vain 4.11%

Total Rarity Score: 730.76

Rarity: #1096/2333

Chihuahuamon #5