Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 675.39 kB
Size 1000x1000
We are Crocs of the Swamp, a collection of 2000 cocodriles that will embark on a journey to find a home here on Stargaze. The ride will be long, but surviving is a must, but wait, we won't be here alone. Welcome to our Swamp. Dare to stay...
backgrounds blue 8.65%
eyes Angry 10.5%
hand_wear Fishing_road 12.25%
head_wear Bandana_brown 8.9%
mouth cigar 12.75%
necklace Snake_tooth_necklace 20.75%
outfits Tshirt_orange 4.8%
skin red 10.85%

Total Rarity Score: 83.2

Rarity: #743/1276

Crocs of the Swamp #839

Collection: Swamp Crocs

Minted 2 years ago by stars17k..dv85. Currently owned by nochill.stars.

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