Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 299.94 kB
Size 1024x1024
Grumpy Grans and Grandads - We have earned some time to have fun!
accessories A great attitude, Small Pink Glasses 0.26%
background Silver Leather Diamonds 0.73%
body type Big Strong Body 9.07%
clothing Deep Orange Space Shirt 0.63%
hair colour White 18.16%
hairstyle Pig-tails 5.59%
head colour Swirly Olive Skin 0.63%
mood Surprized 13.57%

Total Rarity Score: 880.76

Rarity: #4396/9999

Grumpy Grans

Collection: Grumpy Grans Galore

Minted a year ago by stars1vx..8kmn. Currently owned by stars1tz..774c.

Sale offer expires in 2 weeks.

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