Content-Type image/png
Content-Length 1.47 MB
Size 1000x1000
Time to reveal the powers of passed great warriors who bound their souls to protect the village at any cost. Be ready to fight for the next great war with the powers of Viking's great warriors.
Background Laksafheimr 9.81%
Forest Dyadurt 19.82%
Graveyard Alobareg 20.52%
Sky Gawenkebei 31.63%
Tombstone Suane 16.42%

Total Rarity Score: 29.37

Rarity: #907/999

Viking Ancestor's Gaze #1

Collection: Viking Ancestor's Gaze

Minted 2 years ago by stars149..rccy. Currently owned by mdchp.stars.

Sale offer expired.

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