Ghost Frenz Pixel Club : We like to smoke joints, shoot guns, and play with nunchakus. If that sounds fun, you're welcome to join us!
Accessories Pitchfork 4.5%
Background Homestead 2.45%
Backpack None 90.2%
Beard Kawaii 31.2%
Eyes Stoned 28.7%
Ghost Purple 18.65%
Headwear Cowboy Hat 1.75%
Imposter Imposter 20.85%
Mouth Ohh 49.9%
Outfit None 80.15%
Smoker? Clean Lungs 54.9%

Total Rarity Score: 143.21

Rarity: #76/2000

Ghost Frenz Pixel Club #61

Collection: Ghost Frenz Pixel Club

Minted 6 months ago by stars1lm..ffy7. Currently owned by stars1hq..wejc.

Sale offer expires in 2 months.

Buy for 4,000

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