"Sg721": {
"creator": "stars1m8r8m76cqd333jrvg5wdc5vewlul6e2gvvq96w",
"description": "Crypto Hamsters is NFT collection of 3333 little pixel animals living on Stargaze chain who are looking for their way in web3 world. Each hamster is combined from over 350 handmade traits.Why hamsters, you may ask... Because they are the personification of the entire crypto market! We are all hamsters, more or less. Everyone can find themselves in this collection. Holders are welcome to join Discord activities like giveaways, games and revenue sharing!",
"image": "ipfs://bafybeifkmwzfuuhzxfobp24udotljusxfjuuitqxnkfjceghjlouj34ej4/poster.png",
"external_link": null,
"explicit_content": null,
"start_trading_time": "1719514800000000000",
"royalty_info": {
"payment_address": "stars1m8r8m76cqd333jrvg5wdc5vewlul6e2gvvq96w",
"share": "0.05",
"updated_at": null